Habbi Habbi 2025 Contest

Posted by Habbi Habbi on

Dear Habbi Habbi family:

This is our 3rd year running this, and it gives us SO much joy! We always feel so lucky to be a resource in your homes, and we love seeing how kids - of all ages - are engageing with Habbi habbi.

We can't wait to see this year's entry. Please don't feel shy; it's not about fluency or perfection; it's about authenticity and effort. 

This year, we are expanding the prizes, so that everyone who submits (a qualifying video) gets a small gift card from us, as a thank you. Similar to last year, we also have 3 winners and 2 honorable mentions, with the #1 winner receiving $750. More details below.


How to enter Habbi Habbi Contest:

1. Make a video of your child repeating after the Wand / reading the book 

    • It can be any Habbi Habbi book (examples below) 
    • Can be any length - but should be at least 30 seconds - and we'd like to be able to hear your little one (not just the Wand!)  
    • Wand & Book must show up at least once in video (e.g. prompt at beginning) but can show up as many times to prompt as needed 
    • Vertical format   
    • While the video does not need to be professional (self recorded on your phone is fine!) - good lighting helps! 
    • Note: We are NOT looking for perfection - see FAQ below about what would make a good video. 

2. Send us the video through THIS form here

3. Deadline: March 21, NOON PST 

4. Winner(s) will be announced on this page by March 31

    • 1st prize: $750 ($500 + $250 gift card to Habbi Habbi) 
    • 2nd prize: $500 ($250 + $250 gift card) 
    • 3rd prize: $250 ($150 + $100 gift card) 
    • Honorable mentions (2): $100 gift card 

    • This year, all participants will receive a $20 gift card (based on address, not submission; multiple submissions enables you more chances at winning but not multiple gift cards; you will need to submit your mailing address to qualify for the gift card) 
Note: Any videos (whether winners - or - just submissions) may be posted on our social channels - e.g. Youtube or used in other forms of sharing and promotion (Note: You can specify in your submission if you'd like to include name in the posting - or - omit name and only include age.) A kind note that Habbi Habbi will own the rights to video submissions; details in below section about Rights & Release. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.  



    • Child: 10 and under 
    • Up to 2 entries per person 

    If I entered last year, can I enter again?

    • Absolutely!!  

    Which book should my child read?

    You are welcome to choose any book you'd like! Some considerations: 

    • Which is their favorite?  
    • How can I stand out? We expect we will get naturally more videos with early vocabulary from Book of First Words. Are there other books you can read? For example - Video of a new years resolution reading a page from Healthy Habits (or I Am Kind) ... Video pairing emotions with facial expressions from Book of Emotions ... Duo-video of siblings having a conversation from Book of First Phrases ... for the advanced child, reading the 7 Wishes for you or describing some months from Book of Seasons ... and more! 

    How long should the video be? 

    • At least 30 seconds - though there is no strict rule on length. We just want to ensure it's long enough, so we can hear your little one - and not just the Wand!  

    What are you looking for? 

    • Videos that are AUTHENTIC 
    • Videos that elicit JOY 
    • We'd also love to be impressed. :) But remember - being impressed means different things at different ages. We recently saw a video with a baby babbling and were very impressed! 
    • Videos that show how your child is using / progressing with Habbi Habbi. We have seen so many fun videos and heard so many stories about how kids have learned and progressed - that we would love to see and share the proud progress they have made. :) 

    Do they have to have memorized the content? 

    • No. They can use the Wand to prompt them - as many times as they'd like. 
    • If they have memorized it (amazing), just use the Wand once in the beginning as a prompt - so the Wand is still included in the video. :) 

    If the Wand is a prompt, should it play only target language mode? 

    • If your child is repeating after the Wand, it might be helpful to have it play Target language only mode. If you don't have that mode on your Wand, see instructions HERE. (Of course you are still welcome to use Bilingual mode!) 

    My child is very young and not speaking clearly - but they are babbling after the Wand - is that ok?

    • We are not looking for perfection - just demonstrations of learning and progress. So if you'd like to show how your baby or young toddler is learning from the Wand, please feel free to submit - even if the words are not very clear!  

    Other FAQ: If you have other questions, DM us on Instagram @behabbi or email us at info@habbihabbi.com. We will populate this as more questions you have come in. 

    Description, Release, Signoffs: 

    • Rights & Release: By participating in the Contest, you (Participants - and Participants' Parent or Legal Guardian on his or her behalf) unconditionally accept and agree to comply with and abide by all rules set forth in this Contest. By entering, you grant all rights (perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, irrevocable) to Habbi Habbi and its associates - to distribute, display, exhibit, transmit, broadcast, televise, make derivative works, or otherwise use your Entry in any manner, form, format, or purpose - including but not limited to - advertising or promotion - exclusively and indefinitely. You further acknowledge also that Habbi Habbi has no obligation to use your Entry in any manner or for any purpose. 
    • Representations: By participating in the Contest, you warrant and represent that the Entry is your own video that you created and do not infringe upon any rights or federal, state, local ordinances. 
    • Release: You are knowingly and freely choosing to participate and enter this Contest. You understand Habbi Habbi, its contractors, employees, and third parties associated with the business - are not liable for any injuries, losses or damages of any kind resulting in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, from the creation, submission, publication, or use of Video Entry from this Contest - and hereby forever waive, release, absolve, indemnifies, and hold harmless Habbi Habbi, its contractors, employees, and third parties associated with the business. 

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